Saturday, January 17, 2009

“Organized Religion”

RELIGION — belief in and reverence for God or some supernatural power that is recognized as the creator and ruler of the universe; an organized system of doctrine with an approved pattern of behavior and a proper form of worship. The classic New Testament passage on religion is James 2:27- “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep him-self unspotted from the world”. KJV

               Organized Religion” effects on society are evident in many ways. The two which come to mind are as follows:

The day of Pentecost;

      This is a Christian festival that commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles, and the implementation of the modern Church. At first, church organization was flexible to meet changing needs. As the church became more established, however, church officers came into existence. These include: the Apostles; Bishops; Elders; Evangelists; Ministers; Prophets or Teachers, Deacons, and Deaconesses. Although church organization varies from denomination to denomination today, the pattern and purpose of the New Testament remains a model for churches as they pursue their mission in the world. The Holy Spirit continues to direct His church as it carries out its commission.


The Apostle Paul’s Missionary Journey’s;

            Paul is the most influential teacher of Christianity. More than any other disciple or apostle, Paul was given the opportunity to set forth and explain the revelations of Jesus Christ. Because Paul was called to teach Gentiles rather than Jews, he was in the unique position of confronting and answering problems that could only be presented by those completely unfamiliar with Jewish traditions.

Paul’s teaching for human life today may be brought out in a summary of four of his leading themes:

1. True religion is not a matter of rules and regulations. God does not deal with men and women like an accountant, but He accepts them freely when they respond to His love. He implants the Spirit of Christ in their hearts so they may extend His love to others.

2. In Christ men and women have come of age. God does not keep His people on puppet strings but liberates them to live as His responsible sons and daughters.

3. People matter more than things, principles, and causes. The highest of principles and the best of causes exist only for the sake of people. Personal liberty itself is abused if it is exercised against the personal well-being of others.

4. Discrimination on the grounds of race, religion, class, or sex is an offense against God and humanity alike

Christ Jesus gave us eternal life, and daily shows us love, peace, and a way to live.